There are a number of words currently used to describe the whole ‘green’ arena. Words such as sustainability, self sufficiency, carbon neutral, environmentally friendly, organic, clean and green, chemical free, energy efficient and ecological are all positive aspects of looking after our world that we encourage here at Broughton Lodge.
We are proud that our carbon footprint is lower than the land area of our property.
Some of the initiatives that we are currently using are
· Fuel efficient log burner
· Sustainable firewood tree cropping
· Recycling program including composting of organic materials
· Fully insulated home and modern hot water cylinder
· Thermal drapes
· Energy efficient appliances.
· Energy efficient Light bulbs
· Native bush regeneration
· Habitat planting
Some of the initiatives that we are working towards are
· Grey water recycling
· Retrofit double glazing
· Wetland restoration
· Green cleaning products
· Improving our carbon footprint even further
This is a working farm, however pets are welcome - we even have space for horses. Dogs are permitted if they are outside only and kept under control. Please advise with your booking enquiry if you plan on bringing a dog.